

If you are experiencing issues with your Platemeter it may be a simple fix, before you send your Platemeter in for repair we highly recommend trying the below steps.


The most common repairs we receive are due to the Platemeter not being calibrated. Calibration is a simple process that you can complete in just a few seconds. Follow our calibration guides.


We have a range of how-to videos available that trouble shoot move common issues, these videos cover the following topics:

  • Common faults and fixes
  • Replacing the potentiometer cog 
  • Calibrating your Platemeter prior to the pasture walk
  • Field calibration of your Platemeter
  • Initial assembly of your Platemeter
  • Charging the Platemeter
  • Setting up the Platemeters app

You can also view our trouble shooting guide of common faults and fixes.

If none of the above options work, give us a call and we would be happy to troubleshoot over the phone with you. We may request you to send your Platemeter in for repair, please note the following models and their eligibility for repair.

Model and repair eligibility

 Brand Eligible for Repair Warranty Comments
Farmworks No No Unfortunately we no longer repair Farmworks counters due to age and unavailability of parts.
Ag Hub Yes No Significant repairs are often required which can be more costly than upgrading.
Platemeters Yes Yes Covered by warranty if purchased within 3 months.

Sending In Repairs

BEFORE sending your Platemeter, please ALWAYS call the repairer for North or South Island.

North Island
Apollo Electronics Ltd
10 Apollo Parade, Milson, Palmerston North 4414
New Zealand
T: 06-3551497

South Island
Electronic Specialists
73 Deveron Street, PO Box 1759, Invercargill
New Zealand
Paul Chetland -
T: 0064-3-218-2515